Journal of Communication Practices

Guide for authors

Journal information
Editorial Board
Guide for authors
Subscription information
Current Issue
Previous Issues
Volume 1 Number 1 July 2004
Volume 2 Number 1 January 2005
Volume 2 Number 2 July 2005
Volume 3 Number 1 January 2006
Volume 3 Number 2 July 2006
Copyright Notice

JCP intends to offer its readers a wide range of scholarship that probes current problems and methods in communication teaching and keeps them informed about the latest communication practices, problems and trends in both business and academic settings or sectors. It invites submissions in the following categories:


 We welcome articles and research papers that

  • present the latest results of research in corporate communication and intercultural communication,
  • draw on experience with new techniques, materials, syllabuses, and approaches to ELT, and other related areas of academic and professional interest,
  • throw light on any aspect of ESL/ESP/EAP/EST teaching and practice,
  • deal with the issues related to  Business-communication education, and translation studies, and
  • describe carefully planned and executed experiments in self-learning, independent learning, learners' analysis, peer interaction, self-assessment, and so on.

We welcome comments that address issues of importance to the profession, and throw light on emerging and upcoming areas of corporate relevance and academic interest to our readers.


We welcome book reviews that contain critical examinations of significant books in the relevant areas.


This will include readers' responses to articles and book reviews published in the journal. It will promote positive and constructive academic interaction between the authors and our readers. We encourage our readers to send their views and comments. The authors may respond to these comments and views. A healthy academic and professional interaction can contribute to the existing knowledge.


All articles received are blind reviewed by at least two members of the Editorial Board, and one external expert. If you want to submit an article for publication, please pay close attention to the following points:

Articles of up to 4000 words in length can be accepted.

Title and abstract

Please give your article a clear and informative title, and begin your article with an abstract of no more than 200 words summarizing the main points of your article.

Articles may be submitted as email attachments formatted as a Microsoft Word document, with a file name.

Contributions should be sent to the Editor at the following address:


Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad-826004 India Tel: 0091-326-2203824,


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